State Representative John Cavaletto (R-Salem), member of the Elementary and Secondary Education Committee and the Appropriations Public Safety Committee, announced today that legislation passed (Senate Bill 2047) to fully fund K-12 education for FY17 (full year), ensuring that our schools open on time and have the resources they need for the entire school year. K-12 will receive $11.1 billion from General Revenue Funds (GRF), other state funds, and federal funds. The stopgap budget will also ensure that critical state operations and services continue through the end of this year, including items like higher education, human services, and prisons.
“This is an historic investment in education which will fund our schools at 100% foundation level for the first time in seven years,” said Rep. Cavaletto. “That means the vast majority of school districts will receive more than they did the year before and now we can focus on how to improve our broken school funding formula,” added Cavaletto.
This bi-partisan agreement will ensure schools are fully funded and open on time in the fall, and will protect Illinois taxpayers. The plan also includes $75 million for early childhood education, and a new, statewide $250 million equity grant for the poorest school districts.
Additionally, this legislation provides for a 6-month, ‘stop-gap’ allocation for other state services including the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) which will get money for roads, bridges, railway, and airports around the state. Nearly $1 billion will go towards universities and community colleges to be able to open for fall classes and take them through December, while we continue to work on a full budget to cover the remainder of FY17. All other agencies are taken care of in part with this legislation: the Departments on Aging, Human Services, Health and Family Services, Public Health, Children & Family Services, Department of Natural Resources and Department of Corrections.
Monday, June 20, 2016
This morning was the dedication ceremony for two fallen troopers from the Illinois State Police District 12 who both died in the line of duty. At Interstate 57 Mile Post 164.4 Northbound and Mile Post 168.1 Southbound, will be placed 'Trooper Layton T. Davis Memorial Highway' signs and at Interstate 57 Mile Post 151.3 Northbound and Mile Post 157 Southbound will be placed 'Trooper Frank Doris Memorial Highway' signs.
Thank you to the Effingham Sunrise Rotary Committee for the planning and hosting of the ceremony at the Effingham County Cultural Center and Museum. The Sunrise Rotary Committee included Kathy Schroeder, Dr. Paul Rhodes, Mel Stock, Dave Price, Dr. Kelly Stanfield, Doc Krahlman and Bill Totten. Other speakers included Jim Nieman (Effingham County Board Chair), Jeff Bloemker (Mayor-City of Effingham), and Mark Doris and Alan Davis (both sons of the fallen troopers).
God Bless America was performed by Sunrise and Noon Rotarians Jim Hecht, Matt Cekander and Greg Sapp.
Other elected officials in attendance were Representative David Reis (109th District) and Senator Dale Righter (55th District). Senator Kyle McCarter was represented by his legislative assistant, Tara Hall.
Thank you to the Effingham Sunrise Rotary Committee for the planning and hosting of the ceremony at the Effingham County Cultural Center and Museum. The Sunrise Rotary Committee included Kathy Schroeder, Dr. Paul Rhodes, Mel Stock, Dave Price, Dr. Kelly Stanfield, Doc Krahlman and Bill Totten. Other speakers included Jim Nieman (Effingham County Board Chair), Jeff Bloemker (Mayor-City of Effingham), and Mark Doris and Alan Davis (both sons of the fallen troopers).
God Bless America was performed by Sunrise and Noon Rotarians Jim Hecht, Matt Cekander and Greg Sapp.
Other elected officials in attendance were Representative David Reis (109th District) and Senator Dale Righter (55th District). Senator Kyle McCarter was represented by his legislative assistant, Tara Hall.
Monday, June 20, 2016

Not to Wisconsin.
Not to Wyoming.
But to Illinois.
“There are states where the spread of the disease is retarded. The best example is Illinois,” Russ Mason, Michigan Department of Natural Resources wildlife chief, told the Detroit Free Press.
In Illinois, the infection has shown up in slightly more than 1 percent of deer tested in established chronic wasting disease areas this fiscal year.
To thwart the spread of the neurological disease, transmitted mainly through deer-to-deer contact, Illinois has increased hunting opportunities and used an aggressive sharpshooter program in infected areas to thin the herd, a strategy that has frustrated many hunters.
Read the complete article by Doug Goodman at he Rockford Register Star by clicking here.
Read the complete article by Doug Goodman at he Rockford Register Star by clicking here.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Thank you to everyone who took the opportunity to dispose of sensitive documents on Saturday at our Shred Event. Over one ton (2,100 pounds) of paper was shred that contained health care information, bank account information and old tax documents with social security numbers. A big 'THANK YOU' also to AT&T for under-writing the cost of the shred truck, Kaskaskia College for the use of their Salem Center parking lot, the City of Salem for providing the safety cones and barricades, and to all of the volunteers who helped direct traffic and unload boxes and bags of old papers! This program not only helps deter identity theft but also helps in our community's efforts to recycle.

Friday, June 17, 2016
In case you missed it last night, here is Leader Jim Durkin's interview on#ChicagoTonight.
Illinois State House Republican Leader Jim Durkin joins "Chicago Tonight" after a week of incendiary rhetoric in Springfield as the end of the fiscal year is just two…
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Gov. Bruce Rauner on Wednesday tried to up the pressure on lawmakers to pass a stopgap budget, this time warning that state road projects will grind to a halt next month without one.
At a Statehouse news conference, Rauner’s transportation secretary, Randy Blankenhorn, said work will have to stop on the projects after July 1, the start of the fiscal year, if lawmakers don’t approve spending authority to keep them going.
“We’re on the brink of what was once unthinkable, the suspension of the Illinois Department of Transportation’s construction program,” Blankenhorn said. “Without stopgap funding proposed by the governor, we are on a collision course with having to shut down road projects throughout the state in a few short weeks.”
Blankenhorn said the state has more than 800 active projects at this time worth about $2 billion. He said about 25,000 workers are employed on the projects, which this summer include work on Interstate 55 both north and south of Springfield, as well as on Interstate 72 west of town. Improvements underway on North Grand Avenue and from Moffat Street to Koke Mill Road would also be halted.
“Without a stopgap agreement, those projects will be shut down next month,” Blankenhorn said.
Read Doug Finke's complete article here at the State Journal-Register.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Waterfowl hunters are encouraged to mark their calendars for upcoming waterfowl hunting blind site random drawings to be held at several public hunting areas in Illinois this summer.
Duck and goose hunters must register in person for waterfowl blind site drawings and must be present at the drawing – held at each location designated below immediately after the registration period – to claim their blind sites. Mail-in registrations are not accepted. Unless otherwise stated, blind allocations for these sites are good for one year. To participate in a drawing, applicants must present a 2015 or 2016 regular Illinois hunting license (no apprentice or youth license) and a 2015 or 2016 Illinois Migratory Waterfowl Stamp at the time they register, unless exempted by law. Applicants must be at least 16 years old by the date of the drawing.
Applicants needing to purchase new licenses and stamps should do so prior to the drawing. Most blind drawing locations will not have license sales available. Licenses and stamps are available at any DNR Direct license and permit vendor, through the IDNR website, or by calling 1-888-6-PERMIT (1-888-673-7648).
Read more of Dale Bowman's article from the Chicago Sun-Times by clicking here.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
The budget impasse is projected cost Illinois more than $31 million in investment income this year, according to analysis by the state treasurer’s office.
Illinois Treasurer Michael Frerichs said Tuesday the lack of a budget has forced his office to alter its normal investment strategies to free up enough money so the state can pay its bills. As a result, the state earned $7.8 million less in investment income during the first quarter of 2016 compared to the same time period last year.
Frerichs warned if Illinois continues to operate without a budget, or even a stopgap budget, the state will miss out on $2.6 million in investment earnings every month, or $31.2 million over the course of the year.
Read more of Kevin Hoffman's story at Reboot Illinois by clicking here.
Friday, June 10, 2016
“Some people may say that’s not much considering the state owes $7.5 billion in back bills, but if all 177 legislators in the General Assembly were able to return the same amount of $16,000 each year, then over $2.8 million could be saved every year,” commented Rep. Cavaletto. “My district staff and I have been able to run our office and programs efficiently with the use of technology to save on postage and by utilizing ‘traveling office hours’ around the district to save money,” Cavaletto added.
Residents are able to stay connected to legislative activities at, at Rep. Cavaletto’s web site (, and on Facebook. For more information, contact Rep. Cavaletto at 618-548-9080 or at his on-line office at [email protected].
Wednesday, June 08, 2016
State Representative John Cavaletto (R-Salem), announced today that residents who have paper documents with sensitive information that they want to have destroyed properly should take advantage of the free shred event scheduled for Saturday, June 18 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at the Kaskaskia College Salem Education Center parking lot.
“I want to thank AT&T for their generous contribution to underwrite the costs of bringing one of these shred trucks to our community,” commented Rep. Cavaletto. “This is an opportunity for people to both protect their sensitive information like social security numbers or bank account information from ‘identity thieves’ while also participating in recycling efforts to help the environment. It is a win-win program,” Cavaletto added.
The free event is open to residents—not companies—and there is a limit of two bags per car. Material will be accepted until the shred truck at the event reaches capacity. Residents are asked to remove all paper clips, staples and other bindings from their documents prior to bringing them to the event for shredding. Cardboard boxes cannot be left at the event.
For more information, contact Rep. Cavaletto at 618-548-9080 or at his on-line office at [email protected].
“I want to thank AT&T for their generous contribution to underwrite the costs of bringing one of these shred trucks to our community,” commented Rep. Cavaletto. “This is an opportunity for people to both protect their sensitive information like social security numbers or bank account information from ‘identity thieves’ while also participating in recycling efforts to help the environment. It is a win-win program,” Cavaletto added.
The free event is open to residents—not companies—and there is a limit of two bags per car. Material will be accepted until the shred truck at the event reaches capacity. Residents are asked to remove all paper clips, staples and other bindings from their documents prior to bringing them to the event for shredding. Cardboard boxes cannot be left at the event.
For more information, contact Rep. Cavaletto at 618-548-9080 or at his on-line office at [email protected].
Thursday, June 02, 2016
“I am very disappointed that the Democrat leadership attempted to push through a bailout funding bill for Chicago schools at the expense of Downstate school children. The rank and file members of the General Assembly have been making progress this week to reach a compromise on a balanced budget and even fund schools at 100% level for the first time in years, but the political games continue, while real people and children get hurt. This is unacceptable! I continue to stand ready to make the hard decisions to move our State forward. Now the legislature remains in ‘continuous session’ and adjourned to the call of the Speaker. We should stay in Springfield until our work for the people is completed."
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