Salem....State Rep. John Cavaletto (R - Salem) honored local State champion members of the Franklin Park middle school in Salem by presenting the student-athletes with a congratulatory House Resolution on Monday. Cavaletto remarked during the ceremony that as a Salem resident, he was particularly proud to honor home-grown State champions.
Rep. John Cavaletto recently presented Franklin Park State champion track student-athletes with a congratulatory House Resolution. |
"You should all be very proud of your accomplishments in the 2018 season," Cavaletto said. "To cap off a remarkable year with these kinds of performances and successes at the State meet shows that your hard work and dedication really paid off. Congratulations."

HR 1096 passed the Illinois House unanimously on May 21, 2018. Here is a text of the resolution:
WHEREAS, The member of the Illinois House of Representatives would like to congratulate the members of the Franklin Park Bobcat Track and Field teams for their finishes at the SIJHSAA Class L state track meet on May 12th. The boys track and field team finished second in the state and the girls team finished eleventh ; and
WHEREAS, The Franklin Park boys Track and Field team went undefeated in 2018 regular season competition, including a regional championship; and
WHEREAS, 8th grader Caden Bee won the state championship in the 110m hurdles and 400 meters, setting new school and state records in both races. He also set a new school record in the 200m race, in which he finished second; and
WHEREAS, 8th grader Caden Bee went undefeated in the 100m hurdles and the 400m over the course of the 2018 season, in addition to his three separate state championships. He was also undefeated in the 200m race until his second place finish at the state meet; and
WHEREAS, The team of Caden Bee, Caden Inlow, Cayden Harris, and Brayden Smith won the state championship in the 4x100m relay, finishing with a school-record time of 46.45. This relay team was undefeated for the entire 2018 season; and
WHEREAS, The 4x200m relay team consisting of Jonny Eyman, Caden Inlow, Eli Davis, and Brayden Smith finished second in the state, also setting a new school record time of 1:39.58
WHEREAS, The 4x400m relay team of Brayden Smith, Josh Guenard, Jonny Eyman, and Cayden Harris placed eighth in the state with a time of 3:57.89 and Bryson Quinn finished fifth in the pole vault, leaping 9’6”; and
WHEREAS, The 7th grade 4x200m relay team of Jervace Mayes, Isaak Williams, Griffin Day, and Aden Susmena placed fourth in the state with a time of 1:46.81; and
WHEREAS, Katelyn Biegeleisen won the state championship in the high jump, leaping an impressive five feet; and
WHEREAS, Katie Allen finished second in the pole vault, vaulting 8’6”. Prior to her second place finish at the state meet, Katie was undefeated in 2018; and
WHEREAS, Teyah Cape finished fifth in the 7th grade 100m race with a time of 13.15; and
WHEREAS, The Bobcats Track Team is coached by Franklin Park Athletic Director Suzie Worman, Head Coaches Alex Koebele, Tyson Moore, and Amy Brubaker, and Assistant Coaches Cory Harris, Elizabeth Smith, Andrew Miller, and Jamie Powless; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ONE HUNDRETH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate the boys and girls track teams of Franklin Park Middle School for all of their accomplishments at the SIJHSAA state track and field meet on May 12th; and be it further
RESOLVED, That suitable a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Franklin Park Middle School as a symbol of our esteem and respect.